Amazing Heritage Trails from around the World.

Color above and below, Mattatuck Trail, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 8, 2019, 6:33 PM.

Fantastic review of one of my most anticipated upcoming games. I've had the Limited Edition pre-ordered for months now, not long to wait

The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails Review - A Masterful Action JRPG

Forest path, Mattatuck State Forest, Plymouth, Connecticut. June 17, 2021, 6:14 PM.

40 years ago today: When I finally attained that summit, I checked my watch and discovered that it was almost 9:00. I had consumed two hours in hiking two-and-a-half miles. At the rate I had been covering ground the past couple of days, Katahdin was beginning to once more achieve the status of fairy tale.

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I need some trail ideas in MD, WV, and VA for this weekend. Any suggestions


Lily pads and water grasses sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. July 15, 2021, 8:08 PM.

Hanging on, for now. Pre-launch American burnweed seeds near Woodtick Trail, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 3, 2019, 6:10 PM.

40 years ago today: A note at Speck Pond Shelter informed me that Frye Notch Shelter, which I had been hoping to reach tonight, was still under construction and presently lacked a roof. I was not going to make it there, anyway.

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Make an Heritage Trail


40 years ago today: Last night was wintry, topping even Monday night for cold. Today was a perfect backpacking day: about fifty degrees and sunny, with another invigorating breeze. The hike began with a steep but short climb up out of the col to the south peak of Fulling Mill Mountain.

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Golden hour July sunshine on wildflowers, New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. July 5, 2018, 7:32 PM.

No Thru Traffic. Sheffield Street Bridge, Waterbury, Connecticut. October 20, 2020, 5:36 PM. Believe it or not, this wrought iron lenticular truss bridge built in 1884 has been listed on the National Register of Historic Places since 2001.

Good morning. Wishing you a wonderful and peaceful day.

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 3 09.09.2023
Von Behringersmhle bis nach Ebermannstadt.
23 km und 750 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 3 09.09.2023
Von Behringersmhle bis nach Ebermannstadt.
23 km und 750 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 3 09.09.2023
Von Behringersmhle bis nach Ebermannstadt.
23 km und 750 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 3 09.09.2023
Von Behringersmhle bis nach Ebermannstadt.
23 km und 750 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:


I will never understand why people can't pick up after their dogs on the . I look like a mad man dodging dog turds on my . The parks department even provides bags!!!

Springtime footpath, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. June 1, 2023, 5:15 PM. Vibrant green spring growth, bluets and a sprinkling of daffodils.

40 years ago today: There was some steep, rocky scrambling down into the col between Mount Hayes and Cascade Mountain. Cascade was a visual feast.

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A view that includes the southern tip of the city I live in. It was a steady climb with lots of switchbacks and the day was gorgeous.

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 2 08.09.2023
Ebermannstadt bis oberhalb von Behringersmhle. 23 km und 600 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 2 08.09.2023
Ebermannstadt bis oberhalb von Behringersmhle. 23 km und 600 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in Forchheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 2 08.09.2023
Ebermannstadt bis oberhalb von Behringersmhle. 23 km und 600 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

9/11 Memorial Trail in Athens, Georgia

Though it is far from the site of the attacks on September 11, 2001, this memorial trail commemorates the lives that were lost on that day.

Cloud cluster sunset, New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. July 18, 2018, 8:19 PM.

Aquatic plants, New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. July 5, 2018, 7:16 PM


Pictured: Carter and Wildcat viewed from Mount Madison over Mount Washington's Chandler Ridge on 9/9. 40 years ago today: I made my best time of the day on the Imp and North Carter trails despite the long climb, making it up in two-and-a-half hours, which put me almost a half-hour ahead of my required pace.

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My hike on day two of three began early in the morning as I climbed out of the car at the moment it stopped pouring rain. As I headed up the valley, the storm moved off to the south. Clouds add so much drama.

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 1 07.09.2023
Forchheim bis oberhalb Ebermannstadts. 22 km und 610 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Dreitageswanderung von daheim in die Frnkische Schweiz - Tag 1 07.09.2023
Forchheim bis oberhalb Ebermannstadts. 22 km und 610 Hhenmeter
Mehr zum Thema Laufen und Wandern:

Three days. Three hikes. Whew!

For day one there was this relatively short excursion on the north edge of town (the city was behind me when I took this) across grassy hills with open views and birds high above on the air currents.It was an opportunity to take a look at the city's newest trail.

Hilly trail on this morning's walk.


in shadows, and not. by Chris Lakoduk

I love the woods, its how I rebalance

Hutton 24 boatshow brochure 1980