Amazing Heritage Trails from around the World.

Fire and ice sunset. Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. January 30, 2021, 4:50 PM.

Make sure your sound is on!


Good day!

The holidays near

Im a hopeless romantic at the best of times, & worse this time of year. My annual remedy is to write a holiday tale during this time.

This (mostly) works because I become completely immersed when drafting.

Be everwell.

White pine and red cedar framed view, Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. November 15, 2024, 12:28 PM.


Good day!

To relax, Ive been lightly editing, at long last, the novel I drafted a year ago.

Im also considering where to hike next. We may have snow soon, & daylight is in short supply.

I guess, really, Im thoughtful lately, & thats a place I cherish.

Be everwell.

Late autumn surprises you. You are hiking through a forest where much of the magic has passed. Most of the leaves are down, most that remain are past peak color. Then you come around a bend and the sun bursts through the trees at just the right angle...

Late autumn sun burst, Mattatuck Trail, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 24, 2024, 3:49 PM.


4 Morse Preserve, Lake Winnipesaukee NH
1-2 miles Easy Alton, NH

Protected by the Forest Society since 2008, the Morse Preserve includes great family hiking and spectacular southern Lake Winnipesaukee views.


Good day!

After sunrise & a walk, an eclectic day awaits as I catch-up on what Ive put off.

There are writing tasks Im wanting to do, yet the desire to move ahead on series is stirring.

Thats what completing a major project does for a persons determination.

Be everwell.

Beautiful trail running in the mountains with friends. What could be better

Mid-October along the Mill River, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 16, 2024, 12:14 PM.

Good day!

*How long did it take to lay this carpet

That book I always mention Its uploaded to Amazon.

Now, I can walk, clean, clear my mind, sleep a little better, & remind myself yet again, that if I set my mind to a taskI can do it.

And so can you.

Be everwell.

Im on the last day in Trails to Azure. And that feeling is sinking in that its almost over. Im nervous, excited, and sad at the same time.

Nervous about what I have to face in the game, excited to see how it ends, and bummed that the Crossbell story is almost done.

Im so thankful I discovered the Trails Videogame Universe!

Haircap moss and boulder, forest floor, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. August 23, 2024, 4:34 PM.

One way or another, you're going to get wet. Rainy October hike at Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. October 29, 2019, 5:55 PM.


Good day!

*Make sure your sound is on!

I scrutinized my formatted book & then remembered that I never delved into keywords.

Did that. Doing that. About done.

First, though, errands & a walk this morning, then draft a short blog post.

Be everwell.

Golden woods road, Mill River valley, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 16, 2024, 12:25 PM.

Kicked back sunset. Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. March 15, 2020, 6:35 PM. You can't get to a spot like this in March without your shoes picking up a little mud.


Good day!

Winter is creeping closer. In the mountains, its settling in.

Ive now formatted my novel, Trust in the Forgotten, in Vellum. That was too much fun. I can only hope that the next step goes as well.

Im also taking notes for next time.

Be everwell.

Afternoon sunshine, Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 8, 2024, 4:28 PM.

Natural standing stone rock formation, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. August 16, 2024, 3:38 PM.

I went for a walk on a local trail this morning and like this photo the most out of all the ones I took. Had to take advantage of the nice weather and being off work for the Veterans Day holiday.


Good day!

*Many wouldve ignored this, but the contrast caught my eye, & then the hourglass.

I love discovering unusual images that changes in the light or the season cause.

Each breath is the opportunity to adopt the perspective needed to move forward.

Be everwell.

No Trespassing, Woodtick Trail Beecher Road crossing, Wolcott, Connecticut. November 25, 2017, 3:41 PM. The 30-odd nails they used probably contributed to the death of this tree.


Good day!

Water equals life. All that it touches glistens. Its music soothes.

When its near, and Im wrapped in the arms of the mountains and forests, I am whole, the rock beneath me the planets heart on the surface.

Be everwell.


Good day!

Im in the mood to share.

From yesterdays hike in the Rattlesnake Wildernesswhere no one has ever seen a rattlesnake.

Be everwell.


Good day!

Yesterdays hike was rewarding but sad, too, because next year Ill have to find a way to leave these mountains.

I love the land. The state has become intolerable.

When we do the hard thing we dont want to do, our actions reward us.

Be everwell.


Good day!

I hiked, I climbed, I debated some difficult decisions. Mostly, though, I found peace in the outdoors.

Places of peace feed my strength.

8.5 miles (13.7k). It felt great. When I started, I could see my breath, but it warmed later.

I always wonder why I come back.

Be everwell.


Good day!

Its the cold predawn, but if I wait I can hike. I deserve it. I need it for my mental health, to shake off the heartache Im letting linger.

I need to move, to act, not cower before the anxiety wanting to awaken.

To save myself, I must DO.

Be everwell.

Eastern jack-o'lantern mushrooms, Woodtick Trail, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 7, 2019, 3:21 PM.


Good day!

Im walking each morning & editing, & also realizing that Im managing my self-care well.

Maybe more important is that Im not disparaging myself for taking the time.

Be kind to yourself, & dont punish yourself with guilt afterwards.

Be everwell.


Good day!

*Note the arch.

I needed time away from the inevitable rants.

In a sense, Im in mourning.

Meanwhile, crazy me decided this was a good time to publish my first book. Im trying to work my way back to the drive I had before

Its working. Lucky me.

Be everwell.

4 Mount Toby & Sunderland Fire Tower
3 miles Moderate Sunderland, MA

Mount Toby State Forest is a great place to escape into wilderness among a network of quiet woodland trails close to the town of Sunderland, MA and the Connecticut River.

Went out for another spin and the gears were perfect this time. Nice day out, warm and humid, a little wind. 52kms for today.

...our mission is the same
Resist, revolt, rebel, remember every name
We live, we vote, we yell
The pressure doesnt change
Whether on Republicans or Democrats or space lizards

May your hearts stay strong, fam

11.4km election-day river walk in perfect walking weather.

Hadn't been on this trail in a few weeks. Was good to be back and the trail delivered great views as always.

Late autumn at Lake Wintergreen, West Rock State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 31, 2024, 12:04 PM.

Top of the abandoned quarry, West Rock Ridge State Park, Woodbridge, Connecticut. October 31, 2024, 1:17 PM.

The work on the trails has come along and things are looking fabulous!

Cobb DOT has scheduled open houses for the Allatoona Creek Greenway Trail study, and the Cobb Parkway realignment study


Good day!

Brr. Woke to almost freezing with rain.

Okay, Ill do an extended walk later. Anything to give me a break from the election for a few hours.

VOTE, if you havent yet.

I voted on 10/18.

A good day to be extra kind to yourself& others.

Be everwell.
