Amazing Heritage Trails from around the World.

I took this recently, as in this morning. When I took this, the sun had cleared a mountain mere minutes before. It was a bit otherworldly.

Later, I encountered two women who asked about bears. I shared I hadn't seen any, but then remembered this image & added, "But I did see a rabbit with a watch."

40 years ago today: The Appalachian Trail continued eastward along a humpy and hummocky ridge. It traveled a rugged course with constant sharp ups and downs through high, windswept forests. Masses of slender downed fir limbs and plenty of blown down trees lie among the moss and rocks of the crest.

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Create your own Heritage Trail

40 years ago today: The trails first breakout from the woods was about halfway up the mountain at the top of Barren Slide, where fractured slate cliffs trailed a jumble of boulders far down the mountainside, leaving a path of destruction which had obliterated a huge chunk of forest. I took another long break there.

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Ceremony this Thursday, 10 am to mark purchase of the rail right-of-way to extend the Bruce Freeman Rail Trail into Framingham

A trail walker steps on down Maple Lane on rare Lands. Norm Lightfoot took this photograph in 2014.

Up Around the Bend sunset (h/t CCR), Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott Connecticut. June 15, 2021, 7:54 PM.

40 years ago today: I passed two more attractive ponds as I traversed those ridges for five-and-a-half miles, but toward the end I was growing weary of all the climbs and descents. I was relieved when the Appalachian Trail came out at Little Wilson Falls, which were rather spectacular.

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40 years ago today: The Appalachian Trail left the road and entered the woods, soon reemerging at the shore of another beautiful mountain pond. Next, it followed a very rugged course with numerous ups and downs along some slate ridges. The dark green spruce and fir frequently gave way to terraced stretches of naked gray slate.

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In every walk with nature one receives far more than he seeks John Muir

Schne Trails, Gipfelkreuz und wunderbare Aussicht, dazu 2 neue Gipfel...

Clocked 4.14-miles today in Wildcat Canyon (East Bay Regional Park system) with Tom today. 1,065-foot elevation gain. Beautiful cool day, sun came out near the end of our 90-minute & we could feel the difference in air temperature immediately!

Golden hour autumn view from the Giant's left hip, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. October 27, 2022, 5:35 PM.

40 years ago today: I became briefly lost while returning down the side trail from Moxie Bald to the AT. I spent more than a half-hour crashing stubbornly around through the dense shrub growth before having the sense to return to the fire tower, which was visible from any point along the crest, and try again.

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The great thing about disagreements on a trail is, I dont have to police them. I just pick up my pace and keep a blissful distance between us.

Something magical happens: can you really take kids on a 630-mile hike

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Nutmeg's nap, Beaver Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. August 1, 2023, 3:25 PM. Hiking with my brother Mike. His girl Nutmeg, still going strong at 13, finds a shady spot for a nap.

40 years ago today: The climb up Pleasant Pond Mountain from the shelter was the worst section of trail I had hiked in a while, but nothing could bring me down today. I just plugged on up and took the side trail to the open summit and a sort of roaming 360-degree view.

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40 years ago today: From the bank, it all looked so peaceful. Golden sun-drops swirled innocently over foam-flecked blue and soft breezes stirred the pines. The initial fifteen or twenty yards to the gravel bar was almost anticlimactic. The current was strong, but the water was barely ankle-deep.

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Shredded clouds, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. July 6, 2018, 7:27 PM. It's a bit breezy at ground level, but higher in the atmosphere winds are shredding these clouds apart.

40 years ago today: A quarter-mile side trail connects Pierce Pond Lean-to with Carrying Place Camps, a privately-run operation offering meals and lodging in rustic cabins to hunters, fishermen and hikers. Note: In northern New England terminology, A cabin is called a camp. Thus, the name means Carrying Place Cabins.

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40 years ago today: The AT followed the Arnold Trail for almost two miles. It crossed a flat, very boggy area surrounding the inlet stream for Middle Carry Pond but stayed well to the north and out of sight of the pond itself.

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One of my favorite things about Munich is all the cool artwork and walkways

Point of land, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. September 21, 2021, 10:28 AM. A summery day on the cusp of autumn.

Colorful decay 6, Mattatuck Trail, Fall Mountain, Plymouth, Connecticut. July 24, 2020, 6:36 PM.


Something I would never have done in the Houston area:

I've marked some I want to get out and try to . I even got some of the Xero Shoes Scrambler Mids on the way to facilitate it. ()

It's been decades since I did any , but I'd love to get into it here.

Northbound on the Etobicoke Creek Trail, just before the ascent to the airport. The frost has clearly hit the ivy vines, and fall is on it's way.

I took these today. Love these trails where the branches overhang. So peaceful.

Golden pond. Herron Pond, White Memorial Foundation, Morris, Connecticut. October 1, 2021, 12:37 PM.

() has been officially announced for a western release this coming summer! Beyond excited to continue the journey into Calvard.

Announcement trailer is hype!

40 years ago today: The Appalachian Trail climbed a very steep half-mile to the summit of the South Horn, one of a pair of open, rocky crags rising above the north shore of the pond (as you might guess, the other is called North Horn). Angry winds were shrieking past South Horns summit, and the haze was intensifying.

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:-) Neuer online:
in Forchheims Wldern am 04.09.23 im mit und mehr

40 years ago today: After the P.O., I stopped at the Stratton Diner for what could very well be my final two cheeseburgers on the Appalachian Trail, some french fries, a coke, and some ice cream. My thumb was out as I walked the outskirts of the village. A few cars passed, but none stopped.

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The Legend of Nayuta: Boundless Trails, Limited Edition in a fancy lenticular box

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Kleiner Rothsee Wanderung mit Umrundung des Sees am 20.9.23

Hiked up to a ridge today and enjoyed fantastic views of two mountain ranges and a valley between! One of the in this pic is one that I rode to in a previous trip by horseback. So many great memories here!

Rim Trail South, Snowmass Village, .
