Amazing Heritage Trails from around the World.
Lady fern (Athyrium filix-femina)I believedecorating the trail side at a stream crossing on the Mima Falls East Trail

Just traipsing around this beautiful place, enjoying the weather and scenery

Dead calm autumn evening. New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. October 13, 2019, 6:00 PM.

May 5, 1983, 41 years ago today: It was a comparatively gentle climb for the most part, but I have a long way to go before my body is truly ready for this adventure. The day was sunny and hot, and I ran out of water about halfway through the climb. The heavy backpack I was carrying, and the extra pounds of my overweight body had taken their toll on the soles of my feet,

May 5, 1983, 41 years ago today: There was a nice view along the way from Ramrock's ridge crest and there were some excellent vistas from the summit of Big Cedar. It was still early spring at those elevations, there was not a lot of foliage to block the views. There was plenty of green in the valley far below, but trees were just beginning to bud up here.

If I was planning a trip up the East coast of the US (would be nice to do a loop, one more towards mountains and one atlantic coast, all way up to Maine) and I like *hiking and nature* where should I stop What trails are nice (5-6miles or less) Any off grid camp spots (van camping) you like, or, good dog friendly tiny cabin type rentals to recommend

(Pls boost!)

Lochside Regional Trail.
It can be a bit busy, but it's a great shaded path for a walk.

Side note: we need rain. Lots of steady, slow rain.

The little brick house atop the dam where the dam faeries live. Cornelis Pond, Woodtick Recreation Area, Wolcott, Connecticut. June 13, 2019, 6:09 PM.

May 4, 1983, 41 years ago today: Dave and I only made nine miles today. We were tired and sore and got off to a late start this morning. The terrain was heavily wooded with no real views, although there were some steep climbs.

May 4, 1983, 41 years ago today: I went to bed right after dinner but was not destined to get much sleep. Somewhere around 1:00 or 2:00 in the morning, the stillness of the mountain night was broken by the long, eerie shrieks of mortars plummeting to earth and subsequent loud explosions.


Just past peak at the beaver pond. Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. October 26, 2019, 4:31 PM.

May 3, 1983, 41 years ago today: At a spot called Three Forks, four miles from Springer Mountain, the Appalachian Trail crossed a fire road beside the convergence of three streams which had become raging torrents. A blinding mass of rain was creating a surreal, semi-aquatic woodland.

May 3, 1983, 41 years ago today: Temperatures dropped considerably last night when the wind kicked up and stayed down today. Rather late on a cool, damp morning, I set out from Frosty Mountain, having smoked my last two cigarettes with breakfast.

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Autumn leaves floating down the Mill River. Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. November 4, 2022, 2:18 PM.

Hidden Forest Trail in Las Vegas, Nevada

A spring and an enigmatic cabin lie in a ponderosa pine forest in the heart of the Desert National Wildlife Refuge.

hiking railtrails reviews maps

North Mt, Pawtuckaway State Park NH
4 5.4 mile loop Medium difficulty

May 2, 1983, 41 years ago today: At 4:20 p.m. on the afternoon of May 2, 1983 a very warm day for early May I was at the Visitors Center in Amicalola Falls State Park in north-central Georgia. I strapped on my heavy backpack and started wheezing my way up the first steep mile of the Amicalola Falls feeder trail.

Signpost above Lanjarn that signifies the long distance GR142 trail of 144km through the Alpujarras region of southern Spain.

In the background the Rio Lanjarn valley leading up to the snowfields of the Cerro de Caballo (3009m), Europe's most southerly 3000m peak.

Kleine Radtour am Morgen
vertreibt Kummer und Sorgen

Entweder bin ich fitter als letztes Jahr, oder das neue Rad ist verdammt schnell. Zeit der 40km Hausrunde trotz Gegenwinds und noch feuchten Walds deutlich unterboten.

(Edit: der Tacho hatte einen falschen Raddurchmesser gespeichert. Trotzdem noch schnell fr die Runde)


View of New Haven, Long Island Sound and Long Island, Giant's Right Leg, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 25, 2024, 4:38 PM.

Rocky cliff meets a cedar grove, Giant's Chest, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 25, 2024, 3:23 PM.

September 4, 1983: The climb up Mount Kinsman was a bear. The AT followed Eliza Brook back up towards the ridge crest. At first, it climbed on a weedy, grassy old woods road above the brook, but it quickly dropped back to the banks of the stream, along which it climbed, often torturously, over the boulders filling the ravine.

Man made rock wall along the Etobicoke Creek bend to forestall any flood risk to the area. Etobicoke & Mississauga - Ontario

Forest floor spring evening, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 25, 2024, 6:08 PM.

Jons Kapel (Jon's Chapel) in Hasle, Denmark

Local legend says a monk brought Christianity to Bornholm through his sermons in a cave inside this free-standing rock.

October 2, 1983: My first three-and-a-half miles took me through the end of the wilderness. The Appalachian Trail wound through an attractive forest, and it was gentle walking.

Sunny footpath in spring, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 25, 2024, 4:03PM.

Enhanced almost full moon sunset, Scoville Reservoir, Wolcott, Connecticut. June 15, 2021, 8:49 PM.

September 5, 1983: Following another brief stretch of hard climbing, I reached the crest of Franconia Ridge. The rugged climbs continued as I followed the ridge crest over Haystack Mountain, Mount Lincoln, and Mount Lafayette. For the entire distance from Little Haystack to Lafayettes north summit, the trail remained above tree line and the ridge was open and alpine.

The hills are still green. And weve got a sage bloomwatch starting! Soon enough there will be purple petals from allllll the little nubs.

October 1, 1983: After crossing Pollywog Stream on a logging road bridge, the AT proceeded to Rainbow Stream, which it followed for a good distance upstream, passing a long series of cascades and small waterfalls in the boulder-strewn shallow waters.

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August 24, 1983: A 12:45 start today. I had four major mountains to climb. I would need to average two-and-a-half miles per hour, rest stops included, in order to complete this section by dark.

Every year I take a photo of this trail marker. The first one is from 2012, the second one is from today. I guess were both a little more weathered now.

Time moves at a slower pace out in the forest. Marino Pond, Plymouth, Connecticut. September 11, 2020, 4:21 PM.

Finally, what's a forest hike without some wildlife

The sight of large clusters of spiders was creepy. I assume the clustering has to do with mating (didn't look like spiderlings yet to disburse but I'm no expert in the field.)

I was lucky to get the shot of the snail before it drew fully into its shell.

All in all, it was a great camping and hiking trip. Would do it again.

EDIT: Apparently not spiders, a reply says.

A few more pictures from the Thursday morning hike on the rocky trail .

Picture 1 is an ultra-wide shot of one of the climbing/rappelling spots. I don't know if the depths/heights come through well enough for everyone.
