Amazing Heritage Trails from around the World.

The coming storm. Sky over Whitestone Cliffs Trail, Plymouth, Connecticut. September 6, 2018, 4:46 PM.

July 7, 1983: A ledge just above the AT along the ascent had a 180-degree view stretching from southwest to northwest. To the south, Skyline Drive snaked around Hogback's green summits and followed the Blue Ridge towards Stony Man, Hawksbill and beyond.

Concrete Creations in Brooklyn, Nova Scotia

A strange collection of sculptures resides along a trail in Nova Scotia.

If All Trails hasnt gotten you completely lost at least once are you even doing trails

17 was going for a hike this afternoon, I asked if she knew the route I got All Trails, well be good

3 hours later they get home we were definitely hiking on the side of the road for a while. The straight line wasnt straight lining

(They were in the Garden of the Gods, civilization is never more than 5 minutes away)

View from the Giant's Right Leg, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 15, 2024, 4:39 PM.

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June 30, 1983: In the Virginia Blue Ridge, high atop a shoulder of a mountain called The Priest, not far from the 4063-foot summit, a spur ridge makes a perpendicular intersection with the main crest.

Marsh and inlet stream, New Britain Reservoir, Wolcott, CT. August 31, 2020, 7:28 PM.

Hobbit Hideaway in Wellington, New Zealand

This ledge in Victoria Park served as a hiding spot for Frodo, Sam, Merry and Pippin.

The bog reawakens, Green Trail, Sleeping Giant State Park, Hamden, Connecticut. April 15, 2024, 5:27 PM.

September 3, 1983: The spruce gradually diminished in height as I ascended the narrow ridge crest.

Mexican Hat in Mexican Hat, Utah

This balancing rock is one of Utah&s most unusual geological formations.

An old rail track in Northern California could become a 300-mile hiking trail

Wild mushrooms I saw on a hike back in the summer of 2011. Too much green and lack of variety to make it an art print (for me, at least) so it's been gathering dust on my hard drives over the past thirteen years.

First signs of spring. Appalachian Trail, Prospect Mountain, Salisbury, Connecticut. April 8, 2024, 4:20 PM. Tufts of green grass and tiny new leaves on the prickly underbrush.

Pictured: Pen Mar Park from High Rock.
July 14, 1983: Entering Pen Mar Park was a relief. In the years around 1900, this spot was billed as the Coney Island of the Blue Ridge, with an amusement park, seven hotels and about a hundred boarding houses. After years of slow decline, the park was forced out of business by World War II gas rationing in 1943.

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Heute kam ich auf der wieder an den bei in der Nhe von vorbei. Die haben alle ( ) all have spring chicken

Create your own Heritage Trail

Pale blue twilight sunset. New Britain Reservoir, Southington, Connecticut. July 18, 2018, 8:24 PM.

A few moments on the Platte River and Cherry Creek Trails in Denver, CO, USA. The natives are out biking, walking, and running in force.

August 15, 1983: As I entered Sages Ravine, I crossed the Massachusetts border. Ten states down and four to go.

Prospect Mountain, Salisbury, Connecticut. April 8, 2024, 1:37 PM.

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Half Dome, Yosemite National Park CA
5 15.5 mile out-and-back Hard difficulty

September 1, 1983: I flipped through the register, finding comment after comment about the magnificent view from the fabled Smarts Mountain privy. I shrugged my shoulders and sauntered up to check out the outhouse.

50k attempt tomorrow on the Backbone, and its scheduled to rain but only .4, so fingers crossed!
Ive got snacks prepped and socks darned. Just need to scrape out the dried mud from my shoes from last time.

Thinking about a short backpack in the Humboldt Redwoods State Park, so here's some trail that I wouldn't mind walking again for .

The first three are from the River Trail:
The last is from Johnson Camp Trail, my way down from Grasshopper Fire Lookout:

September 1, 1983: The trail down the far side of Smarts Mountain was in worse shape than the ascent had been, but what did that matter to a man surrounded by that kind of magnificence The AT lunged downward across more of those dripping, mossy rocks.

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Black Star Canyon Falls, Silverado CA
5 6.8 mile out-and-back Medium-hard difficulty

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in Forchheims Wldern am 23.02.24 im mit , und mehr

:-) Neuer online:
in Forchheims Wldern am 10.02.24 im mit , und mehr

Hey Franz-- your end-of-day inspired me to do the same! Because of my other activities, I've neglected my cycling. Just now finished a scenic loop on local around two lakes. Was rewarded at the end with these two amazing creatures who posed while I took pics as I rode by!!

Watch your step. Icy footbridge in Finch Brook Preserve, Wolcott, Connecticut, February 20, 2019, 4:21 PM.

Auf meiner heute kam ich mal wieder an den bei in der Nhe von vorbei. Dort habe ich diese geniale von Himmel, Wolken und Bumen fotografiert

June 13, 1983: Up until three years ago, the Appalachian Trail had turned right and followed the crest of Big Walker for many miles, but barely a trace of the old crestline trail was visible. Today, the AT reaches the top and descends immediately along the opposite slope into the next valley.

Then and Now in 2 parts.

Rands View on the slopes of Prospect Mountain along the Appalachian Trail in northwest Connecticut. One pic is from August 14, 1983 during my thru-hike. One is from yesterday, April 8, 2024.

June 12, 1983: Before 6:30, as the first faint blue twilight tinged the blackness, I was on my way. The woods were at their prettiest in those fleeting moments before sunrise I promised myself that I would try to get early starts more often.

Immer diese Scheiss- MTBler. Klauen den Abfall von den Wanderwegen und nehmen Plastik, Alu und Zigarettenpackungen mit runter ins Tal.

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